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The Development of Photocatalysis

发布时间:2024-10-17    作者:        来源:       浏览次数:     打印

报 告 人:JimmyC.Yu(余济美) 教授 香港中文大学

报告时间:2024年10月22日 周二 上午10:30-11:30



Photocatalysis is a growing field for harnessing solar energy to drivechemical reactions and clean pollutants. This talk will briefly trace thehistory of photocatalysis before delving into metal-free photocatalystsmade from abundant elements like carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus.Drawing inspiration from Earth's early atmosphere, rich in methane andammonia, we can produce nitrogen-doped carbon photocatalysts fromthese qases via plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition. This processmay have significantly contributed to geological and atmosphericchemistry in the Archean era. Today, a more sustainable method involvesderiving carbon-based photocatalysts from biomass like agriculturaresidues and waste paper. Phosphorus, another abundant elementessential for plant nutrition, exists in multiple forms, with red phosphorusidentified in 2012 as an effective photocatalyst for water splitting undervisible light. The current advancements and futurepotential ophotocatalysis will also be explored, highlighting its role in sustainablechemistry.


Jimmy C.Yu is Research Professor and Emeritus Choh-Ming LiProfessor of Chemistry at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Beforeretiring from teaching, he was Head of United College from 2012 to 2022Prof. Yu is a leading scientist in photocatalysis research, and he holdsseveral patents on the fabrication and application of photocatalyticnanomaterials. As a highly cited researcher, Prof. Yu has receivednumerous honors including a State Natural Science Award and ChangJiang Scholar Chair Professorship